
Generating Food Recipes From Given Ingredient August 2021 - August 2021

Project Generating Food Recipes From Given Ingredient

The following python program will generate recipes and Diet-labels from the given ingredients and will create text file with the details inside the file such Recipes and Diet-label along with Heading of the Ingredient and Date and Time of the file created.

To simplify the program,the code utilises an API to call the api and recieve all the details of the food reciepes.

This code was part of the Enigma CS MU CLUB - Mini Python Project Series


  • Python 3.7
  • Urllib in-built library
  • Json in-built library
  • Date and Time in-built library
  • How to Run

  • clone the repo
  • Open the file and go to 25th line to replace the file location
  • Run the main .py file
  • Enter the Ingredient or food related dish
  • Once done, the text file with list of recipes will be present in the folder