
Self Driving Car Dashboard June 2021 - July 2021

Project Self Driving Car Dashboard

This project is a Android Studio Project with Kotlin as Front-End and Python as Back-End using Chaquopy 🐼.

The Dashboard




User Flow


Facial Recognition

The Facial Recognition used in this app runs entirely using the face_recognition library in Python. The model used for facial recognition has a 99.38% accuracy on the Labelled Faces in the Wild dataset. Python is linked to Android Studio using the open source Chaquopy plugin. All facial recognition data is stored on a Firebase database. During the facial recognition stage, the front camera of the Android device is used to capture the image. Then the image is passed as a raw byte stream to the Python backend to extract the facial features. This is then compared against the feature encoding stored in the Firebase database to validate the face.


API Calls


Unlocking Car using Bluetooth, Arduino and Relay
